Not only in just just google sitmaps of your blog also can enlist in Yahoo sitemaps Making an index to of our blog in Yahoo ! of course will add the our visibilitas blog in world internet. Others, if made an index to by Yahoo! usually also will add the our index link situs in Google, so also on the contrary Following way of list / registration blog / situs in Yahoo ! sitemaps Please login to Yahoo Sitemaps You'D be ordered by login. Including ID yahoo your mail and password Including Your address URL blog in available box After our blog is enlisted, there is menu " Status" click the menu " authenticated" exist in under You'D get two choice of code of meta tag or script which must download. Copy the/ paste of code of meta tag and enter to header in Your blog a. Form the meta tag Yahoo sitemaps of the example of like this: <META name=”y_key” content=”1ed838bbasdkalalkd”/> b. Form Header in template ( blogspot / blogger) in top most position is like this...
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