by Joe Barta This eBook explain about html and web design, contents this book for example : So, you want to make web page !, content intoduction, Lessons: getting started, saving as html, background colors, background images, bold, italic, underlining, nesting tags, monospaced font, font size, font face, font color, more about nesting tags, section headings, link colors, line breaks, paragraph tag & paragraph aligning, centering, the " space code", special characters ,inserting images, relative paths ,ALT attribute, image dimensions, colored lines , simple links , email links, image links, more on linking ,about image filesizes, the GIF Optimizer, making & using thumbnails , more on images, image filesizes, thumbnails, anchors , screen resolution, blockquote , ordered & unordered lists ( and more ..) Table tutor about a few simple lessons on how to make tables for your web documents from lesson 1- 16 lesson in this eBook, also Why are there spaces in my tables? Mo...
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