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Showing posts from August 30, 2012


Anesthesia is a mysterious concept to most of us, even if we've been anesthetized before. The term comes from the Greek for "loss of sensation," but that's not the only effect it causes in your body. Anesthesia, essentially a reversible condition induced by drugs, is intended to result in one or more different states of being. It can relieve pain , give you amnesia to knock out your memory of the procedure or how it felt, reduce anxiety (because who doesn't have anxiety when undergoing a medical procedure?) and paralyze your muscles . It sounds a little scary, but anesthesia is made as safe as possible by careful calculation of the required dosages and diligent monitoring by medical professionals. And not all types of anesthesia are created equal. When you think of anesthesia, it's likely you think of what's called general anesthesia, which is when you're completely unconscious during a medical procedure such as a major surgery...


Culture is a habit that contains values ​​- essential and fundamental values ​​are passed from generation to generation. Heritage must be maintained so as not to fade atauhilang so it can be studied and preserved by the next generation. Culture can generally be divided into two kinds:   1. Local culture is a common practice in a particular area or areas that are passed from generation to generation by the older generation to the next generation on the scope of the area. Cultural regions occurred when residents of an area already have the mindset and the social life of the same so that it becomes a habit that distinguishes them from the population - other residents. Culture itself began to be seen growing areas in Indonesia at the time of the kingdom - the kingdom earlier.  2. National culture is a combination of local culture in the State. It meant experiencing local culture assimilation and acculturation with other dareah in a State will continue to grow and develop...