Kinds & Types of Heart Diseases or Nature Bad - jealousy, envy, gossip, slander, prejudice, and treasonous - Definition & Understanding
Various kinds of liver disease and the meaning of human vices:
1. Envy
Jealousy is a trait that is not happy about Rizki / fortune and pleasure gained by others and tend to try to rival it. Envy is permissible in Islamic teachings is the envy in terms of kindness, like envy to be smart in order to disseminate knowledge at a later date. Or envy to spend treasure in the path of righteousness.
2. Envious
Envy is not happy to see other people happy and try to eliminate those favors. This property is very dangerous because no one likes a person who has character like this.
3. Gossip or Provocation
Hasud is a character who wants to always try to influence others to anger / angry people are overflowing with the aim to divide the unity and kinship that arise enmity and hatred among fellow.
4. Libel
Defamation is more cruel than murder is a bad-mouth activity, staining, damage, deception, deceive someone in order to create animosity that can develop into criminal acts on others without evidence.
5. Bad Guess
Prejudice is the nature of the suspect or expect others to do badly without clear evidence.
6. Treasonable or betrayal
betrayal is not responsible or absent attitude of trust or confidence that has been delegated to him. Treasonous lying is usually accompanied by a promise to sell out. Is treasonous hypocrites characteristics. People who have been treason shall be hated of people around and most likely will not be trusted again to assume a responsibility in the future.
1. Envy
Jealousy is a trait that is not happy about Rizki / fortune and pleasure gained by others and tend to try to rival it. Envy is permissible in Islamic teachings is the envy in terms of kindness, like envy to be smart in order to disseminate knowledge at a later date. Or envy to spend treasure in the path of righteousness.
2. Envious
Envy is not happy to see other people happy and try to eliminate those favors. This property is very dangerous because no one likes a person who has character like this.
3. Gossip or Provocation
Hasud is a character who wants to always try to influence others to anger / angry people are overflowing with the aim to divide the unity and kinship that arise enmity and hatred among fellow.
4. Libel
Defamation is more cruel than murder is a bad-mouth activity, staining, damage, deception, deceive someone in order to create animosity that can develop into criminal acts on others without evidence.
5. Bad Guess
Prejudice is the nature of the suspect or expect others to do badly without clear evidence.
6. Treasonable or betrayal
betrayal is not responsible or absent attitude of trust or confidence that has been delegated to him. Treasonous lying is usually accompanied by a promise to sell out. Is treasonous hypocrites characteristics. People who have been treason shall be hated of people around and most likely will not be trusted again to assume a responsibility in the future.
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